HackPrague 2020

Letos již počtvrté pořádáme jeden z největších hackathonů v Praze.

Máš nápady jak zlepšit finanční sektor nebo tě jen zajímá programování a nové technologie? Tak se neváhej přihlásit na letošní HackPrague 2020. Letos kompletně Online z pohodlí tvého domova!

Připoj se k nám a dalším 150 hackerům 31. října na více jak 24 hodin hackování a výzev. Na HackPrague budeš mít šanci setkat se s designéry a vývojáři z celé Evropy, zástupci top technologických firem, a vyhrát finanční odměnu za více jak 90 000 tisíc!

Registrovat se můžeš na https://hackprague.com/hackathon2020


Last year we were building hacks to improve the life in cities with the motto “the future is already here, it’s up to us to distribute it equally”. This year we will focus on the financial sector.

Nowadays, there are a lot of financial instruments and ready to use tools which are waiting to be connected into a meaningful application for customers.
We also got more and more financial data available which can give us an interesting insight into the financial behaviour of people. Based on this insight we can, for example, educate people about their bad spending habits and help them make their spending more "healthy".
In some parts of the world, the importance of blockchain is growing steadily as it helps people to save the value of their hyperinflated money. And again there are many tools waiting to be developed to work with crypto instead of money.
What should be the new standard of banking and financial services?

Check out the website at https://hackprague.com/hackathon2020 for more info and see you in Prague on 31. October - 1. November 2020!

Any questions? Send an email to team@hackprague.com.

Check out photos from HackPrague 2019: https://photos.app.goo.gl/8jVqkX4gFSWuRADw5

Why are we organizing this?
-We feel that Prague and the Central European region have a tremendous creative potential that hasn’t yet been realized. Our mission is to become a platform for passionate technologists to meet, collaborate, and form relationships that extend well beyond the hackathon.

Why should you come?
- For a weekend of innovation and fun with 150 coolest technologists
- Interaction with the top European and American companies
- Workshops and talks by experienced professionals
- Free food and swag
- Prize money

What are the prizes?
Grand prize: 50 000 CZK
2nd place prize: 30 000 CZK
3rd place prize: 10 000 CZK

… and many other sponsored prizes

Who can come?
HackPrague applications are open to all developers and designers, including students and full-time employees. We will select participants based on their past projects, experience, and enthusiasm. We will aim to admit a diverse pool of people.
