UX Cocktail: An Online Meetup for the European UX Community


Hi, please, give it a try and join European UX Cocktail, here is the invitation & central REGISTRATION:

Welcome to UX Cocktail! This is a European-wide online meetup for local UX meetups!

Before we return to in-person events, we decided to open up a meetup to all UX professionals across Europe. Not a conference, not a webinar. Just a chill get-together to network and dish about UX and what we can learn from our neighbours.

In addition to some fun networking activities, we've invited speakers from the North, East, South and West of Europe to share their experiences. What's it like working across borders? What's something that works in one culture, but definitely not another? What does it mean to be a UX designer in this increasingly multicultural continent?

And of course, every event is better with a cocktail! Bring your own regional flavour to share, or discover a new recipe with us.

18:30 - Doors open
19:00 - Introduction
19:15 - Trine Falbe, UX Copenhagen
19:30 - "Interview Tipps and How We Failed in A Lot of Different Countries" by Kornelia Müller & Johannes Lehner, UX Graz
19:45 - Networking
20:15 - Speaker TBD
20:30 - "Strategy, Service, UX and Interior: a design journey in Europe” by Martina Rando (Bliss Applications), Lean UX Lisbon
20:45 - Networking

