UX Barbecue & RealUXCamp Warm-Up in Brno


Join us at our Summer UX BBQ in Brno - Lužánky! Let’s gather and cook up some foods — sausages, veggies, mushrooms, anything you want. Whether you're a UX veteran or a newcomer, it’s a great place to meet new like-minded people or connect with the old ones. Also, it’s a perfect chill-out before the upcoming RealUXCamp!


  • Event starts: 17:30
  • Grill Time: 18:00 to 20:00
  • Bring Your Own: Food and drinks you like. Outdoor games, picnic blankets, or any comfort items for a picnic are also welcome. Other stuff necessary for grilling will be also handy (e.g. alluminium, etc.). We will have some basics there but please bring your own if you require anything special.
  • Facilities: Public electric grill will be available for us.

We look forward to seeing you there!
